Class Fee $45 ($25 for KCBA Members)
Beekeeping is a challenge and to become a good beekeeper takes experience and dedication to the craft. Beekeeping is a continual learning process. With more experience you find out what you don’t know, which leads you to seek more information about beekeeping-- and the knowledge cycle continues. Every hive is different and working your hives adds to your experience. To become a better beekeeper requires an understanding of the basic concepts of beekeeping, learning all that you can about evolving theories and practices, and then applying them to your hives.
The class is designed for beekeepers who want to hone their beekeeping skills. The class will be held on Saturday January 25, 2025, from 8:30am to12:30pm. Pre-registration is required. Doors will be open at 8:00 am for check-in. Coffee and donuts will be provided. Some of the topics presented will be:
8:30 – 9:15 Honey Production
*Jeff Gabric
1. Single Brood Box Production
2. Comb Honey Methods and Production
9:15 – 10:15 Swarm Prevention, and Management
*Carson Oneil
* Juda Bryant
* Jeff Gabric
1. Why do bees swarm - Carson
2. Demaree Method - Juda
3. How to Prevent Swarms - Jeff
4. Hive management after swarming - Carson
5. How to manage the Swarm - Carson
10:15 -10:30 Break
10:30 – 11:15 Requeening Your hive –
*Carson Oneil
1. Why Requeen
2. When to Requeen
3. How to Requeen with success
4. How to make a proper split
a. Spring swarm prevention
b. Summer Splits in July
11:15 – 12:15 Preparing for Winter including Mite Control Programs
*Jeff Gabric
1. It’s about the Basics
Drawn Comb
Mite Reduction
12:15 – 12:30 Wrap-up and Questions
January 25, 2025 Advanced Beekeeping class
$45 or $25 for current KCBA members
Room 105 of Faculty Hall on the Campus of Mount Vernon Nazarene
Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, Email and which class or classes you will be attending
Make checks payable to: Knox County Beekeepers Association
Send to: Barb Ellison - Treasurer
12430 Airport Rd. Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050
Questions call: Jeff Gabric: 740-760-0300
Copyright © 2024 Knox County BeeKEEPERS Association - All Rights Reserved.